
Caring for someone is the best thing you’ll ever do.

And also the hardest.

Whether you’re a daughter caring for an aging parent or a mom raising a child (working, work from home, both) or a grandmother raising a grandchild,it’s easy to speed along trying to survive each day and not really being present to enjoy it all.

I’ve been there. Stretched. Overwhelmed.  

I felt overwhelmed. I felt a lack of purpose for my role as mom and wife. I had that moment when my two older daughters were a baby and a toddler.  I wondered if my purpose went beyond changing diapers and doing dishes. I wondered if there was a way to balance who I was, and my roles as wife and mother? I was just so stuck.

Photo by Emily DaVault

Life doesn’t have to be that way.

Before I found coaching, I worked in the field of psychology for many years, helping people through life transitions like older age and illness.  I worked with men and women who were caring for their aging parents and spouses and saw how challenged they were. I loved working with them in caregiver support groups to help them bring balance to a hard and at times, chaotic life. But I saw how important support is and saw the need for individual one-on-one help bridging the gap between how they wanted life to be and how it was. My work gave me that feeling of living life full out.

Then when I was pregnant with my second daughter, for various reasons, I decided to become a stay-at-home mom. I have enjoyed this so much and also felt the challenge of caring for these little people. I have felt so stretched and needed help for this journey.

Then a couple of years ago I started learning about the field of life coaching and the possibilities that it held. I realized that coaching was a way for me to bridge the gap in my own life between my desire to do the work I so enjoyed helping others, provide for my family, and be available for my girls. I decided coaching was just the right fit for the next stage of my life.

Photo by Emily DeVault

And today, I’ve dedicated my life to coaching women who find themselves in that place— so honored YET so overwhelmed by the care, energy, and love they put into others.  I help women realize that there is a way to be that wonderful wife, daughter caring for a parent, mother, and live a life where you thrive.  

I partner with you to:

  • stretch and prioritize your time
  • discover what your calling is within that role
  • manage the stress that comes with caring for others
  • discover how to make your priorities fuel your actions
  • learn how to make time for the things that energize you outside of that role
  • and find ways to maximize your energy for each day

Coaching is much more than a job to me- it’s a calling. I love setting goals for myself and the chance to seek out ways to be a better me and the person God has called me to be.  As a result, coaching is the perfect job for me. It gives me a chance to come along side of other women who have a need for a new vision or desire help to bring balance back into their life when they have gotten stuck.  Read this blog post to hear more about my journey into coaching.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Dordt College and a Master’s degree in Health Psychology from Northern Arizona University. I am a board certified coach (BCC) and received my life coach training from the Institute for Life Coach Training. I live in Arizona with my wonderful husband and 3 sweet little girls.

Enough about me….let’s talk about you.  Are you ready to move from that place of chaos and frustration?  Are you ready to move out of the fog of caring for others to thriving in the life that you have?

Let’s talk. 


My thoughts on coaching:

10 Random, Quirky Things About Me to Help You Know Me Better:

  1. I firmly stand behind the need for the toilet paper to roll forward over the top of the roll.
  2. I love marshmallow- chocolate covered, peeps, marshmallow creme, s’mores- you name it!
  3. My “go to” workout is running, but I do not like running in the daylight.
  4. My guilty pleasure is any kind of special coffee drink.
  5. Discussing books with friends energizes me.
  6. I love sitting down with people and hearing their stories.
  7. Coffee shops are my happy place when I need to be “alone”.
  8. I met my husband on band and orchestra tour in college.  We officially met walking over a bridge in Boston.
  9. Reading scripture with my girls and seeing them take joy in it makes my heart burst.
  10. I have lived in Arizona for 16 years, and that is the longest I have lived in one state.

1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.