I am allowed to be both a masterpiece and work in progress.
Sometimes though in the weary hours of the night my brain lies to me and tells me I can’t be both. That only once I am perfect or once I have all the answers then I will be a masterpiece.
That’s a lie though. I am a better mom because I’m both. I am a better wife because I’m both. I’m a better coach because I’m both. Have you ever taken the time to appreciate the masterpiece that you are. As I sit writing this, I’ll be honest I have written a few things and then erased them. It’s easier to recognize the things that we need to change than to appreciate the beauty of who we are.. Just this week, a client and I were chatting about how it would be a good idea for her to focus on the exclamation from the Bible in Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Let’s take time to appreciate it. My personality, strengths, quirks, how I am with my family and friends…all of that is part of the masterpiece. And when I spend time filling my mind with it, then I appreciate, believe, and let myself be me in my callings.
So what about the work in progress part. That is definitely who I am too, but can I tell you something? Beating myself up or you mentally beating yourself up in the dark of the night that is not a helpful way to see myself a work in progress. Instead, it is often more helpful to take intentional time to acknowledge the work in progress. This means recognizing areas I want to learn and grow. And also taking time to think and process areas where I have made mistakes and need to apologize or look at ways to make changes to do it differently.
I also help my clients live into the beauty of both which takes the pressure off, helps with balance, and makes the hats that they wear and the callings that they have more enjoyable! I can help you with that too.
Feel like you need some help with this…Let’s chat!