How Do You Know When It Is Time For Outside Help For Your Loved One? The question brings a heaviness in and of itself, but if this heaviness is something you are experiencing right now, Friend. I can also tell you there is deep HOPE that comes from recognizing a need for outside help caring for your love one. Outside help can mean anything from homecare to having a friend help to adult day care to time in a care facility.
So I am going to go right to the benefits of getting outside help.
The benefits for your loved one include:
- a chance to have fun in a different context
- another pair of eyes seeing what might be needed to help your loved one thrive
- help from someone that may have a different approach that helps to make things go smoother
- new friendships
- increased health
- being comfortable with others
The benefits for you, as the caregiver include:
- physical and emotional rest
- someone to help trouble shoot current challenges
- a chance to enjoy the relationship because someone else is helping with care
- a chance to do something else you enjoy
- stepping back helps to see things differently
- someone to do the tasks you do not like as well
- someone sharing in the burden
- time to rediscover who you are
- a chance to get some of that to do list done.

Here are some indications that it is time:
1)You find yourself exhausted and feeling like you can’t keep up with everything that needs to be done
2)You are concerned about the safety of your loved one with your current way of doing things
3)You have lost a sense of your relationship and joy in your time together
4)You are having physical problems from the day in and day out care tasks
5)You feel at the end of your rope
6)You and your loved one are fighting or at each other
7)Your loved one is bored
8)You want to get away for an event and know it is unrealistic for your loved one to go
9)You are unsure how to meet your loved ones needs and trouble shooting the problems doesn’t seem to yield answers
10)You are curious about getting outside care and the benefits of it
If one of these indicators rings true for you, care could be a real help. If several of these indicators ring true for you, care could be vital for you and your loved one. Though I know that bridge is hard to cross. There is so much hope and good that can come from getting outside care. Let me know if I can be of help in feeling your way through whether it is time for outside assistance.